Abstract | Božji dar vjere pratio je život blažene Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri od samoga početka. Smrt oca, osjećaj Božje prisutnosti koja je vodi da preko svetog Josemarije Escrive vrši volju Božju u Opusu Dei, apostolat s građanima Španjolske i Meksika kojima je donijela poruku Opusa Dei - ljubav za Boga u svakodnevnom životu kao ostvarenje čovjeka - sve to okarakteriziralo je njezin život kao uzor mnogim kršćanima u traženju Boga. Da je bila otvorena volji Božjoj svjedoči radost svakog novog izazova poput odlaska iz Meksika u Rim na rad u sjedištu Opusa Dei. Njezin je život neumorno pratila bolest srca koja ne samo da nije bila prepreka u razveseljavanju drugih za Isusa Krista, nego je bila izvrsna prilika za molitvu osobito za darove vjere, nade i ljubavi. Svoj je život, već od ulaska u Opus Dei, pratila pismima upućenih svetom Josemariji Escrivi koja su danas poznata kao „Pisma Svecu.“ Od prvih do posljednjih koraka na ovoj zemlji nije odustajala, kao kćer ocu, iznijeti svoju dušu kroz sadržaj pisama. Pisma prevedena na mnoge jezike i danas potiču ljude kako da žive sinovski odnos s Bogom. Kroz sadržaj pisama, praćen različitim etapama i izazovima njezina života, iščitavamo neke elemente duhovnosti poput Božje prisutnosti, sinovstva Božjeg, ljubavi prema bližnjemu, ljubavi prema euharistiji, nadnaravni pogled na poteškoće i mnoge druge važne za nasljedovanje Krista kako bi bili autentični svjedoci Ljubavi. |
Abstract (english) | From the very beginning the life of Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri was filled with God’s gift of faith. The death of her father, the feeling of God's presence that led her to do God's will in Opus Dei with the help of St. Josemaría Escrivá, the apostolate with the citizens of Spain and Mexico to whom she brought the message of Opus Dei – the love for God in everyday life as a way of human fulfilment – it has all made her life a role model for many Christians in seeking God. The fact that she was open to the will of God can be seen in the joy she felt when facing every new challenge, such as going from Mexico to Rome to work at the headquarters of Opus Dei. Heart disease, her faithful companion throughout her whole life, was not only an obstacle in encouraging others to follow Jesus Christ, but also an excellent opportunity to pray, especially for the gifts of faith, hope and love. Since joining Opus Dei, she started regularly writing letters addressed to Saint Josemaría Escrivá, known today as Letters to a Saint. From her first to last steps on this earth she did not give up expressing her soul, as a daughter to a father, through the contents of the letters. These letters, translated into many languages, still encourage people to live a filial relationship with God. In her letters, through various stages and challenges of her life, we can read some spiritual elements such as God's presence, consciousness of being children of God, love of neighbour, love of the Eucharist, supernatural view of difficulties and many other elements important for following Christ in order to be authentic witnesses of Love. |