Abstract | Vrijeme nakon II. svjetskog rata smatrano je vremenom sloma eugenike, no na
iznenađenje mnogih ona ponovno cvate. Francis Galton, poznati Darwinov nećak, pionir
je eugenike i njenih teza, koje krše sve zakone ljudske slobode. Galton je svoje ideje
umiješao u politiku što je rezultiralo velikim zločinima nad ljudskom osobom, koja se
psihički ili fizički, pa makar i malo, razlikovala od ideje stvaranja „čiste“ čovječje krvi.
Sterilizacija, abortus i eutanazija glavna su oružja stare eugenike koja su u
prošlosti lišila živote milijuna žrtava. Danas su to tabu teme koje nam se pokušavaju
prikazati kao normalna pojava u svijetu. Pojavom genetskog inženjeringa eugenika je
pokucala na velika vrata 21. stoljeća i ugrožava one najslabije skupine. Skupom
medicinskih postupaka, kao što su brojne vrste umjetne oplodnje, kloniranje dijelova
DNA, korištenje dijelova ili skupine gena radi stvaranja djeteta idealnog fizičkog izgleda,
gdje je naglasak stavljen na boju kose ili očiju, ugroženo je čovjekovo pravo na život.
Pokušava se stvoriti slika „savršenog“ života, u kojem nema mjesta za ljude s manama,
bilo fizičkim, nama vidljivim, ili psihičkim, skrivenim duboko unutar čovjekova života,
ali opet dovoljno naglašenim. Sve ide na ruku medicini i današnjem čovjeku da se
uspostavi metoda kontrole rađanja.
Katolička Crkva oduvijek brani ljudski život smatrajući ga svetim, jer je darovan
od samog Stvoritelja. Od nastanka eugenike sve do današnjih dana eugenička djela
osuđena su od Petrovih nasljednika, ali i svih vjernika. Ivan Pavao II. koristio je izraz
„kultura života“ kako bi iskazao stav prema poštovanju i zaštiti života, od trenutka začeća
do prirodne smrti, a osudio je sve postupke koji djeluje destruktivno na ljudski život. Svi
postupci koji su u prošlosti, poput holokausta i genocida, a danas, poput pobačaja i
eutanazije ugrozili ljudski život, velika su povreda Božje ljubavi. |
Abstract (english) | Time after II. World War it was considered the time of the collapse of eugenics,
but to the surprise of many, it flourishes again. Francis Galton, Darwin's famous nephew,
pioneered eugenics and its theses, which violate all laws of human freedom. Galton
mixed his ideas into politics, which resulted in great crimes against the human person,
who mentally or physically, even slightly, differed from the idea of creating „pure“
human blood.
Sterilization, abortion and euthanasia are the main weapons of the old eugenics,
which in the past took the lives of millions of victims. Today, these are taboo topics that
are tried to be presented to us as a normal phenomenon. With the advent of genetic
engineering, eugenics knocked on the big door of the 21st century and threatens the
weakest groups. A set of medical procedures, such as numerous types of artificial
insemination, cloning parts of DNA, using parts or groups of genes to create a child with
an ideal physical appearance, where the emphasis is placed on the color of hair or eyes,
threatens the human right to life. An attempt is made to create an image of a „perfect“
life, in which there is no place for people with flaws, either physical, visible to us, or
psychological, hidden deep within a person's life, but still emphasized enough.
Everything is in the hands of medicine and today's man to establish a method of birth
The Catholic Church has always defended human life, considering it sacred,
because it is a gift from the Creator himself. From the beginning of eugenics until today,
eugenic acts have been condemned by Peter´s successors, but also by all believers. John
Paul II. he used the term „culture of life“ to express an attitude towards respect and
protection of life, from the moment of conception to natural death, and he condemned all
actions that have a destructive effect on human life. All actions that in the past, such as
the Holocaust and genocide, and today, such as abortion and euthanasia, endangered
human life, are a great violation of God's love. |