Abstract | U ovom radu autor analizira odnos sv. Franje Asiškog prema svemu stvorenom. Govori se o važnosti očuvanja svih stvorenja, jer sva su ponaosob stvorena od iste stvarateljske ljubavi. U prvom dijelu, autor iznosi biografiju sv. Franje Asiškog. Upoznaje nas sa njegovim životom prije, a posebice nakon obraćenja ili bolje rečeno prosvjetljenja. U drugom dijelu rada pozornost je usmjerena na odnos sv. Franje prema cjelokupnoj prirodi s posebnim osvrtom na životinje, koje je brat Franjo posebno volio i o njima se skrbio. Treći dio se bavi nastankom enciklike Laudato Si', njezinom značaju za današnji svijet obilježen tehnološkim i despotskim značajkama, te direktnom utjecaju sv. Franje na nastanak iste. Završni dio daje sintezu cijelog rada i govori nam o izvornom Božjem naumu kojeg je Bog imao u trenutku stvaranja cijelog svijeta sa svim njegovim stvorenjima. Tu se na sažet način iznosi pravo značenje Božjeg poslanja kojeg je namijenio ljudskoj vrsti – u ljubavi skrbiti za sve stvoreno i baš poput Njega postupati u svom poslanju za koje će jednog dana morati položiti račun. Na samom kraju rada autor se dotiče direktnih Franjinih sljedbenika – braće franjevaca, koji su po uzoru na svog utemeljitelja izabrali poseban put ljubavi i služenja svakom stvorenju koje im bude povjereno u njihovom životu. Naposljetku, u ovom diplomskom radu autor želi ukazati na važnost pravog pristupa prema stvorenom svijetu, jer vjera kao takva ne podrazumijeva brigu o dobrobiti samo jednog dijela stvorenog svijeta i baš zato uzdasi svakog od stvorenja daju jasan zadatak svakom čovjeku – brinuti za njihovo ovozemaljsko dobro znajući da će se jednog dana ponovno sresti u nebeskoj domovini. |
Abstract (english) | In this graduation thesis, the author analyzes the relationship between St. Francis of Assisi to all created world. The author writes about the importance of preserving all living beings because they are all individually created by the same creative love. In the first part, the author presents the biography of St. Francis of Assisi. It introduces us to his life before, and especially after, his conversion, or more precisely his enlightenment. In the second part of the work, attention is focused on the relationship of St. Franjo towards the whole of nature with a special reference to animals, which brother Franjo especially loved and took care of. The third part deals with the origin of the encyclical Laudato Si', its significance for today's world marked by technological and despotic features, and the direct influence of St. Francis on this encyclical. The final part gives a synthesis of the entire work and tells us about the original intention of God that He had at the moment of creation of the whole world with all its creatures. In this part, the true meaning of God's mission, which He intended for the human race, is succinctly shown - to take care of everything created in love and to act like Him in our relations to all created world, because God will judge all of us according to our deeds. At the very end the author writes about direct followers of St. Francis - the Franciscan brothers, who, following the example of their founder, have chosen a special path of love and service to every living beings that are entrusted to them in their lives. Finally, in this graduation thesis, the author wants to point out the importance of the right approach to the created world, because religion as such does not imply care about the well-being for only one part of the created world and that is precisely why the sighs of each of the living beings give a clear task to every human being – to take care of earthly well-being of all Godʼs creatures knowing that one day they will meet again in the heavenly homeland. |