Abstract | Rad se dotiče svakog pojedinca, svih generacija i naroda, nema čovjeka koji u životu nije radio, a da se pri tome nije umorio. Smatram da zajedno s radom ide i molitva kao važno obilježje Katoličke vjere, o čemu su nam posvjedočili i mnogi sveci kroz povijest, a o čemu pišu Crkveno Učiteljstvo, papa Lav XIII., Ivan Pavao II te drugi. Ovim radom ne kanim ulaziti u prevelike dubine problematike ljudskoga rada već želim dati bliži uvid u temu koja se dotiče svih sfera ljudskog života: čovjekova identiteta, obitelji, međusobnih odnosa kolega na poslu, odmora te odnosa poslodavca prema radniku. Radom čovjek nastavlja Božje stvaralačko djelo u svijetu, stoga je molitva ona koja posvećuje rad i čovjeka približava svome Stvoritelju. O posvećivanju kroz rad na osobiti je način propovijedao sveti Josemarίa Escrivá za kojega svetost nije pridržana samo osobama iz kleričkog staleža već i laicima. Iz tih razloga osniva Opus Dei kojim želi donijeti Radosnu vijest studentu za njegov radni stol, radniku u tvornici i domaćici u kućanske poslove te poučiti vjerne da na taj mogu vršiti djelo Božje. O radu se ne može govoriti, a da se pri tome ne spomene Karl Marx, začetnika marksističke filozofije koja u radu promatra čovjeka kao otuđena roba, izgubljenu osobu kojoj je oduzet svaki smisao života. Religiju se smatra opijumom za narod koja čovjeka odvlači od stvarnosti, dok ga marksizam želi svesti na puku materiju. |
Abstract (english) | Work touches every individual, all generations and peoples, there is no man who has not worked in his life without getting tired of it. I believe that prayer goes hand in hand with work as an important feature of the Catholic faith, as many saints throughout history have testified to us, and about which the Church's Magisterium, Pope Leo XIII, John Paul II and others write. With this paper, I do not intend to go into too great depths of human labor issues, but I want to give a closer insight into the topic that touches all spheres of human life: human identity, family, mutual relations of colleagues at work, vacation, and employer-employee relations. Through work, man continues God's creative work in the world, so it is prayer that consecrates work and brings man closer to his Creator. Saint Josemaría Escrivá preached about consecration through work in a special way, for which holiness is reserved not only for people from the clerical class but also for the laity. For these reasons, he founded Opus Dei with which he wants to bring the Good News to the student at his desk, the factory worker and the housewife in household chores, and to teach the faithful that they can do the work of God. One cannot speak about work without mentioning Karl Marx, the founder of Marxist philosophy, who in his work views man as an estrangement commodity, a lost person deprived of all meaning in life. Religion is considered an opium for the people that distracts man from reality, while Marxism wants to reduce him to mere matter. |